Forming a digital health portfolio for a Middle Eastern Health Insurer with 3 million members within 7-months
Project Background:
The company wanted to use mobile solutions to reduce pay-out costs, better understand member behaviours, and directly support selected member segments in managing their chronic conditions. The company had recognised some of the many potentials of digitisation, but required expert guidance for its initiative. The company and its member base of 3-million were struggling with high competition and increasing pay-out costs.
What we did:
We used a step-wise approach to successfully form an app portfolio for selected health conditions relevant to the needs of the health insurer. Our team assigned to the project consisted of a project manager, two consultants, and two analysts. The project time-frame was 12-months.
Step 1: Market Screening: Initial market screening for selected health conditions; diabetes, adiposity, women’s health, children’s health, mental health and smoking. The goal was to identify potential partners (hidden champions) who were open to a partnership with the health insurer for the eventual integration of their service offering. Market screening was to be conducted on a global level. Hundreds of solutions were screened and evaluated during the initial market screening.
Step 2: First Wave Selection Process: Market screening results were presented to the health insurer, and subsequent presentation days followed to connect the health insurer with potential partner companies.
Step 3: First Wave Integration Process: Partner models and contracts were developed. First three partner apps were integrated into the health insurers portfolio. The integration process resulted in the adoption and localisation of selected three app service offerings, as well as the integration of coaching services and internal dashboard to be piloted.
Step 4: First Wave Pilot Phase: Business case for digital diabetes, women’s health and weight-loss solutions was developed. This would include the piloting of the three apps and their service offerings to ensure smooth functionality and effectiveness. The pilot study would be facilitated and monitored by our project team.
Overall Results:
The health insurance company established itself as a world leader in digital health solutions for the region. The partner companies were successfully integrated with localised services, a coaching service for member base was established, and all three apps were successfully launched within 7-months. Thousands of members enrolled in the coaching service after the 6-month pilot phase.
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